Credit Solutions Corporation is a debt buyer based in San Diego, California. Like many other debt purchasing companies, they acquire debt portfolios from various industries, including auto loans, credit card defaults, and personal loans. Their primary business model involves purchasing charged-off debts from original creditors at a fraction of their original value and then [...]
By Christopher Ebert|2024-09-18T14:20:22-05:00September 18th, 2024|Dallas, Debt Buyers, Houston, San Antonio|Comments Off on Comprehensive Guide to Dealing with Credit Solutions Corporation and Auto Repo Debt Buyers
Ally Auto Ally Auto is a auto lender that purchases a retail installment contracts (RIC) from auto dealerships. They are known to report to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. The J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm is looking for witnesses that have seen a demand letter or validation letter from Ally Auto for an auto [...]
Exeter Finance Exeter Finance is a auto lender based in Irving, TX that purchases a retail installment contracts (RIC) from auto dealerships. They are known to report to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. P.O. Box 166008 Irving, TX 75016 (800) 321-9637 Three biggest auto credit reporting issues [...]
Westlake Financial Service Westlake Financial Service is a auto lender based in California that purchases a retail installment contracts (RIC) from auto dealerships. They are known to report to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. P.O. Box 76809 Los Angeles, CA 90054-0809 (888) 739-9192 Three biggest auto credit [...]
Santander Santander is a auto lender based in Dallas, TX that purchases a retail installment contracts (RIC) from auto dealerships. They are known to report to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. P.O. Box 961245 Fort Worth, TX 76161-1245 (888) 222-4227 Three biggest auto credit reporting issues [...]
Jefferson Capital Systems Jefferson Capital Systems is a debt buyer based in Saint Cloud, MN that purchases a myriad of debt from auto repossession to financial default. They are known to report to Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. 16 McLeland Rd Saint Cloud, MN 56303 833-851-5552 Three [...]
Click Here for Latest Deville Asset Management Update DeVille Asset Management DeVille Asset Management is a debt buyer based in Colleyville, TX that purchases a myriad of debt from auto repossession to payday loans. Currently they do not report to all 3 credit bureaus. They are known to report to Equifax and TransUnion. [...]