Stop Foreclosure Attorney

Bankruptcy is not the only way to stop foreclosure in Texas

Many Texas homeowners choose to file a lawsuit against their lender in an attempt to stop a foreclosure rather than file a bankruptcy. The J. Gannon Helstowsi Law Firm files lawsuits against lenders and asks the judge to agree to stop the foreclosure. We offer a Money Back Guarantee that if we do not stop your foreclosure we will refund all the fees you paid us minus the filing fees of the lawsuit. We offer aggressive representation of you against your lenders.

While each stop foreclosure lawsuit is unique, most follow the same pattern:

File Stop Foreclosure Lawsuit

We will first gather all the details of your situation and make sure that we believe a successful outcome is possible in your case in our Initial Consultation (IC). If you decide to hire our firm you will be assigned a case manager and attorney to work your case. They will gather the documents needed from you and begin drafting your lawsuit. You will need to be available to answer questions and review a copy of your lawsuit before filing. Once filed, your assigned attorney will appear before a judge to request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be granted. If the judge signs the TRO, we will pay the bond and notice your lender that the foreclosure must be stopped.

Once the TRO is granted we will begin working hard for you to achieve a permanent resolution with your lender. Outcomes can include keep your home with a loan modification, keep your home with a refinance, sell your house and keep the equity, leave your house for cash for keys, or stay in your home for a longer duration.

Your Lawsuit is Removed to Federal Court

Often a lender will ask the judge to remove your case to Federal Court. If the judge agrees, it will cost more the pursue your claims against the lender. Federal court has many strict guidelines and rules that must be followed to keep your case alive. We will have to represent you in a couple of likely motions that the lender will file. We will answer the Motion to Dismiss and Motion for Summary Judgment for you if you retain us to represent you in Federal Court.

Lenders / Servicers We Stop Foreclosures